Hier findet Ihr Tipps und Trick rund um Gary´s Cookbook und allgemeine Joomlafragen.

EN Migrate Garys Cookbok to Joomla 1.5.x

16 Jahre 9 Monate her - 16 Jahre 9 Monate her #2097 von over
Update (migrate) form Garys Cookbook 1.x / 2.x to Garys Cookbook 3.0.

Here you'll find descriptions of the steps concerning Garys Cookbook. How to upgrade (migrate) Joomla from Version 1.0 auf 1.5 you better read on:



It's a very good Idea to backup the Joomla-Data before you perform a new Installation/Upgrade/Update and if you are going to manually make changes. Backup the Database with a Tool. e.g. phpMyAdmin. Also copy your Joomla-Directories to a backup-directory, local or on your Server.

1.Backup (download) the Cookbookdata from your old Joomla-System.

1.1 Backup the Data from the Joomla-Database.
At first you have to export the Data from the Joomla-Database. e.g. with the Tool phpMyAdmin as described in the Theme "EN Upgrade to new Version of Garys Cookbook 3.X.x.".

Databasetables (xxx=your Joomla-Prefix):
Specialcase Table: xxx_categories

1.2 Backup the data from the Joomla-Directories.
Then you must backup the Data from the directories of the Joomla-Component Garys Cookbook. Normaly it's enough if you only copy those Files.
The Picture-Directories:
e.g. standard: your joomla-path/components/com_garyscookbook/ +
img_pictures and
and if configured

If you have Data or Pictures saved somewhere else, you of course have to copy them as well.

2. Install (migrate) Joomla und Garys Kochbuch

If you want to migrate the Joomla-System please read the links above. If not, you can try to follow the Installation-Help in this Forum.

When you have configured your new Joomla-System and made your first tests, you may install the Cookbook Component. Her you can use the Installation-help to Garys Kochbuch 3.X.x in this Forum.

3. Check the Data.
Check that the Databasetables are empty as described in the Theme "EN Upgrade to new Version of Garys Cookbook 3.X.x.".

4. Reload the Databasedata.
This is a step not very well tested!!! We would be greatfull to get to know your experiences!

Before you go ahead, you sohuld copy your Sql-Files!

If you have used a different Table-Prefix in the new Joomla-Database as in the old, you have to change the exported Files (.sql) with an Editor (utf-8). Exchange the old Prefix with the new. !!! Information on Editors im Thema: "EN Short Guide to installation GCB 3.X.x" !!! Then save the Files. I think you have to save with utf-8 Charactercodes. (See below)

Import the Data into the Databasetables as described in the Theme "EN Upgrade to new Version of Garys Cookbook 3.X.x." .
After the import, thoroughly check if the specialcharacters (ß,ü,ö,ä,Ü,Ö,Ä a.s.o.) are shown correct in your Recipes.

If you find Errors and you didn't yet save the Sql-Files with utf-8-charactercodes, empty the Tabeles again. (As described in the Theme "EN Upgrade to new Version of Garys Cookbook 3.X.x.".) Open the Sql-Files with your utf-8-Editor and save them with utf-8 Charactercodes (as above).

Import the Data new. Again check if the specialcharacters (ß,ü,ö,ä,Ü,Ö,Ä a.s.o.) are shown correct in your Recipes. Now OK? Else we have a Problem! Probably you have to maintain your Recipes manually. Hope not.

5. Reload the rest of the Data.

Now you have to upload your Recipe-pictures to the new Joomla-directories. The Directorypathes are to be found in the Cookbook-Configuration.
e.g. standard: your joomla-path/components/com_garyscookbook/ +
img_pictures and
and, if in the Configuration activated

Now you just have to test the new Cookbook 3.0 Version.

Wish you a lot of fun!
Letzte Änderung: 16 Jahre 9 Monate her von .

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