Hier findet Ihr Tipps und Trick rund um Gary´s Cookbook und allgemeine Joomlafragen.

EN Configurate and Personalize

16 Jahre 9 Monate her - 16 Jahre 2 Monate her #2086 von over
EN Configurate and Personalize wurde erstellt von over
Open Source Software are NOT "free to do what I want with it" Software. Be sure you follow national and international copyright law! It's NOT allowed to remove the footer of Gary's Cookbook without permission from the copyrightholder! Please read the GNU-Licence if you didn't when downloading the Software.

Here you'll find answers of generell interest to the configuration and personalization of Gary's Cookbook 3.X.x, the addons Module to Gary's Cookbook 3.X.x and the Search-Plugin to Gary's Cookbook 3.X.x. We'll add more information as the questions appear. If you don't find the answer to your question here please use the Forum to Gary's Kochbuch 3.X.x (Joomla 1.5.x) to send a new question.

1. Edit default settings
2. Introduction Design
3. Image Settings
4. Ratings
6. Mail / Print
7. Other Tips

1. Edit default settings

1.1 Gary´s Cookbook offline: -- If yes you are able to make changes to Gary's Cookbok without stress. The access is blocked. The managers are not blockedt.
Offline Message: -- !! from Version 3.0.4 not used. The text is moved to the language file (usersite) !!

1.2 Configuration of the access-, contribution- and change-authorization.

1.2.1 Members Only
If yes is the access to the Cookbook only allowed for registrered users. ie he/she has to logg in.

1.2.2 Recipe Contribution
If yes the user is allowed to enter and upload new recipes. (The parameter in Image Settings -- Allow Image Upload: -- is also of interest. )

1.2.1 Site Security
Here you'll limit the possibility to upload recipes. ie from what Joomla-level. (public frontend (all), registered, author, editor). is it allowed. From the editor-level upwards its also allways allowed to make changes to the recipes.

2. Introduction Design

2.1. Introduction Text

Write your own Introduction and description.
In the Editor-Frame "Introduction Text" enter and format the description of your Recipe-Pages.

2.2 Your cookbook logo.

Create an image with the Text and/or your own Recipe-Logo.
Enter the Path with the Filename in this field . e.g. http://localhost/joomla/components/com_garyscookbook/images/my_recipe_logo.jpg

7. Other Tips

7.1 Personalize the Header of Garys Cookbook

If you want to Personalize the header part of the Cookbook.

7.1.1 Replace the Title with an Image
see 2.2 Your cookbook logo. You might also change the Titletext in the languagefiles (text RECIPE BOOK).

7.1.2 Replace the Cookbook-Image

If you want to replace the shown Cookbok-gif. Replace home.gif with your own .gif-image. If you don't want an Image use an "empty" File. e.g. convert the blank.png to home.gif.

You 'll find the home.gif image in your Joomla-directory .../joomla/components/com_garyscookbook/images/.
As alternative to blank.png you could use spacer.gif from the same directory to "delete" the image.
Be sure to make the image (size 1x1 px) transparent otherwise you'll get a small white dot on your page.

7.1.3 Write your own Introduction and description.
see 2.1. Introduction Text

7.2 Change the Directory for the Recipe-Images.

Might make the handling of your Recipe-Images easier in some cases.

7.2.1 Create new Directories in your Joomla-path.

In your Joomla-directory (e.g. http://localhost/joomla/ ) you create e.g. the new directories
and if you want to have a separate directory for your category-images

Copy a file named "index.html" into each of the directories. To be found in most of the Joomla-Directories.

7.2.2 Change the Directory-Settings.

Choose Components - Gary's Cookbook - Settings - Image Settings.
Change the fields Image Path, Thumbnails Path, and if you want Category Images Path to point to the created directories. In the example above:
Image Path: cookbookpictures/img_pictures (standard= "components/com_garyscookbook/img_pictures"
Thumbnails Path: cookbookpictures/img_thumbnails (standard= "components/com_garyscookbook/img_thumbnails"
Category Images Path: cookbookpictures/img_categories (standard= "components/com_garyscookbook/img_thumbnails"

7.2.3 A separate directory for your Category-images.

Set the parameter "View Thumbnail Images for Categories" to Yes and enter a path like above.

(If set to Yes and the pathfield is left empty the entry in the field "Thumbnails Path" will be used.
If set to No the Joomla-Path "/images/stories/" will be used. )

7.3 Install languagedepending "Nopicture"-Images.

Nopicture"-Images are shown when no Recipepictures are assigned.

In the Language-Forum of http://www.vb-dozent.net you'll find additional "nopicture"-images to be used with Gary's Cookbook. Download the zip-file. e.g. sv-SE-nopicture.zip Unpack the files to a directory. Upload the xx-XX.nopicture.jpg and the xx-XX.tn_nopicture.jpg to the image directory of the component. e.g. http://localhost/joomla/components/com_garyscookbook/images/ (xx-XX = your languagecode). You may use the (in the english and german files)included psd-files to change the files according to your wishes.

7.4 Maintain the Country/Region of Origin List in Garys Cookbok 3.X.x

7.4.1 Extract the file gkb.country.php from your downloaded Installation-Package. To be found in Directory com_garyscookbook_3_X_x.zip/com_garyscookbook_3_X_x/admin/helpers .

7.4.2 To delete entries, it's a good idea not to physical delete the lines but mark them with //. Easier maintanace.
eg //$countr["Vanuatu"] = JText::_('Vanuatu');

7.4.3 To add entries, add lines to the end of the $countr List.
eg: $countr["Germany Bavaria"] = JText::_('Germany Bavaria');
Be sure to save the File in UTF-8 Format, as in the Language-Tips described.
In this case you also have to add the translation to the Language-Files you are using.

7.4.4 Login to the Administrator Pages with the Language choosen. Choose Component->Garys Cookbook and
Administrator Language. Make the changes and then change the Site Language. If you use more Languages repeat the changes for all Language-Files. It's also hier a good idea to keep the entries of Countries not needed. Just keep them in the File without changing anything.

Add the new Translations to the end of the Country-Translation List.
For the Example above, add in the german Language Files: GERMANY BAVARIA=Deutschland Bayern
Repeat for all languages.

7.4.5 Upload the gkb.country.php into the Joomla-Directory administrator/components/com_garyscookbook/helpers.

You should make notes of your changes in your own Joomla Documentation!!! It's more or less necessary when you come to
release upgrades of your productive system.
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