Hier findet Ihr Tipps und Trick rund um Gary´s Cookbook und allgemeine Joomlafragen.

EN Add-Ons to Garys Cookbook 3.X.x

16 Jahre 9 Monate her - 16 Jahre 1 Monat her #2045 von over
EN Add-Ons to Garys Cookbook 3.X.x wurde erstellt von over
Tips to Joomla Add-Ons related to Garys Cookbook 3.X.x

1. New Versions (Releases
2. Search Plugin for Garys Cookbook 3.X.x
3. Module to Garys Cookbook 3.X.x
4. Plugin Content-WikiBot
5. Graphical Security
6. Multilanguage support with Joomfish!

1. Update Add-Ons to new Versions (Realeses)

1.1 Those Joomla-Contibutions were tested with so called LAMP-, XAMPP-, und WAMP-Systems, with the for Joomla recommended versions or newer and with current versions of Joomla with extensions. A downwardcompatibility can not be tested because of time- and technical-resources. It's recommended that you keep your system up to date also because of security reasons.

1.2 Uninstall old Release
Open the Joomla-Administration (Backend), Extensions -> Install/Uninstall choose the Add-On Type above mark the Add-On in the shown list and choose Uninstall in the Menu.

1.3 Install new Release
Open the downloaded new Installation-Package in the Joomla-Administration (Backend), Extensions -> Install/Uninstall and run it.
Configure it new and activate as described below.

1.4 Install new Language Versions as in the Language Theme.
(Maybe you have to delete the old Language-Version manually before installing new Versions)

2. Search Plugin 1.5.1 for Garys Cookbook 3.X.x

2.1 Plugin to to search the recipes and other informations from Gary's Kochbuch with the standard searchfunction in Joomla 1.5.x Searches now also recepicategories und recipecomments. On the Answerpage of Joomla you'r able to enter more words and mark All Words, Any Words or Exak Phrase. You can't yet change the sorting.

2.2 To test the functionality of the search Plugin please visit the Cookbookhomepage http://www.garyscookbook.vb-dozent.net/
In the searchfield you enter a "german" word.
The length of the searchfield in Joomla is a little bit to short.

2.3 Do not forget to activate the Plugin after installing it with the Joomla installation procedure. In the Backend Extensions -> Plugin Manager. There are now Parameters that you can configure. You may exclude categories and comments from the search. Have a look in the configuration of the Plug-In.

2.4 Attention!: You have to install the frontend languagepackage also for english and german installations. They are not automaticly installed!

3. Module 1.5.1 for Garys Cookbook 3.X.x

3.1 Has more functionality than the predecessor "De Luxe Module"! Module to show the recipes or categories including other informations from Gary's Kochbuch in the modulearea of Joomla 1.5.
If you need other languages, have a look in the Forum of vb-dozent.net the Language Part of the Forum. How to install the language-installation-package is to be find in another part of the Forum.

3.2 To see an example of the Module live please visit the Homesite of Gary's Cookbook at http://www.garyscookbook.vb-dozent.net/
In the left area you'll see some recipes with the module.
You can see an example with the horizontal Scrolling on www.altehausmittel.at
Remember, there are a lot of other configuration possibilities for the module.

3.3 To configure the Module, on the Administrator-Pages choose Extensions -> Module Manager -> Cookbook Scroller
Start with the standard settings and then change it to get the look you want!
Do not forget to activate the Module.

3.4 Use more than one instance of the Module
It's possible to use the Module more than once with other parameters. On the Administrator pages go to Extensions - Module Manager in the menue. Mark the Module ( Cookbook Scroller ) and choose copy in the header. Change the title of the copied line to something understandable. (e.g. Cookbook Scroller 2).

Now you are able to set the parameters for the copied module and place it in another area.

4. Plug-In Content-WikiBot

4.1 With this Plug-In you may easily create Links from your recipes to the the free Encyclopedia WikiPedia. i.e.. with special brackets like Parsley you'll create a link to the explanation of Parsley. The Links are also available in the Recipe-Pdf-File.

4.2 To test the Wiki functionality please visit the Homepage of Gary's Cookbook at http://www.garyscookbook.vb-dozent.net/
From the Categoryview choose e.g. the recipe (german) : Hauptgerichte -> Geburtstagsbraten. Click on the links in the text to get to Wikipedia.

4.3 Download available on: http://www.theinevitabledossier.com/wikibot.html
Choose the most actual Wikibot2 Version under Joomla 1.5. Or search Internet for another Download-Site.
Download and install the Plug-In as described in the Installation Theme.

4.4 To configure the Plugin, on the Administrator-Pages choose Extensions -> Plugin Manager -> Content - Wikibot

Edit the Configuration of the Plug-in.
Default language: en,
Target window: New browser window,
Link Color: Green,
Wiki URL Path: Search,
Own WikiSite: http://de.wikipedia.org (for German Wikipedia);
Color: Green,
Own WikiSite Name: Wikipedia search

Do not forget to activate the Plug-In.

5. Graphical Security
Not yet available for Joomla 1.5 or not yet implemented for the Cookbook.

6. Multilanguage support with the component Joomfish!

The translationfiles for the component Joomfish! (xml) can now be found in the Downloadarea. Translation of the Cookbook and the comments are now possible. For documentation please visit the homepage of Joomfish! http://www.joomfish.net/
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