Hello to all,
I was trying on a website backup, to update the version of Garys 3.0.9 to 3.0.17, which is certainly much more reliable than my current. I say this because a few months ago I had to put the folder "img_pictures" read only by entering recipe because malicious users are able to upload backdoor php (if you want I can send them to you because I immediately renamed and set aside).
Hoping that the version 3.0.17 manage to avoid the insertion of backdoors and then allow me to re write the folder and restart the submission form recipe, I tried to update following letter by letter guide. I made up the various folders Garys, tables of MySql, I did the upgrade via the backend of the site (site always up to test the operation), and I restored the folder with the images. I noticed that the upgrade can not access the MySql, in fact, the component works but some options can not set them ... for example, has not loaded the table of "My Recipes" ... I was suspicious and, after deleting everything and did a fresh install of Joomla! 1.5.26 clean, I tried to install the Garys 3.0.17 (not an upgrade, but a new installation)... the result is that if I go to the backend of "recipes" I check this error:
Table 'Sqlxxxxxx_x.jos_garyscookbook' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT count(*) FROM jos_garyscookbook AS aDB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'Sqlxxxxxx_x.jos_garyscookbook' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT a.*, cc.title AS category FROM jos_garyscookbook AS a, jos_categories AS cc WHERE a.catid=cc.id ORDER BY imgtitle LIMIT 0, 20
While on the "Categories" check this one:
DB function failed with error number 1146
Table 'Sqlxxxxxx_x.jos_garyscookbook' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT c.*, c.checked_out as checked_out_contact_category, g.name AS groupname, u.name AS editor,COUNT( DISTINCT s2.checked_out ) AS checked_out FROM jos_categories AS c LEFT JOIN jos_users AS u ON u.id = c.checked_out LEFT JOIN jos_groups AS g ON g.id = c.access LEFT JOIN jos_garyscookbook AS s2 ON s2.catid = c.id AND s2.checked_out > 0 WHERE c.section = 'com_garyscookbook' AND c.published != -2 and c.name != 'MMMMM----- Meal-Master' GROUP BY c.id ORDER BY ordering , ordering LIMIT 0, 3
If I go on MySql was not created any tables.
I also tried on other domains in my possession, but nothing, I do not want to know ... I can not install it. Can anyone help me please? I love this component!
Sorry for my English, I use the translator ...
Thank you,