Language-related topics about Gary's Cookbook
1. Language installation after the first Joomla- and/or Cookbook Installation / Realeaseupdates
1.1 If not yet done, install your preferred Joomla Languages.
You will find Language-Installation-Files on the Site of your local Joomla-Comunity. (e.g. ** german)
Download and open the Language-Installation-Packages in the Joomla-Administration (Backend), Extensions -> Install/Uninstall and run it.
1.2 Install extra language to Gary's Cookbook 3.X.x after the main installation.
The english and german languages are included in the installation package of Gary's Cookbook and as well in the module and pliug-in packages. You'll still find extra language packages for english and german. To be used for translations and in case of german an installation after the main Cookbook installation.
If you look for Language-Installation-Packages, have a look in the Download area - Languages here on Download and open the Language-Installation-Packages in the Joomla-Administration (Backend), Extensions -> Install/Uninstall and run it.
If no Installation-Packages are available you may find the language as an .ini-file packed into a zip file. Then you have to extract the Language-Files from the downloaded ZIP-file.
Be carefull to keep the ini-files apart when extracting them. They have the same name!
Upload them to the Joomla-Language-Directories of your Server.
Something like ..../joomla/administrator/language/xx-XX/ for the Administrator-Languages
and ..../joomla/language/xx-XX/ for the Frontpage-Languages.
1.3 Update Languages not included in the Installation-Package after new Release Installation.
The easiest way is if you find Language-Installation-Packages. ***Then you only have to delete the Component / Module Language-File (.ini) from the Joomla-Language-Directories.*** Not necessary anymore with newer Joomla Versions. They override the installed language files. Download the Language-Packages and open them in the Joomla-Administration (Backend), Extensions -> Install/Uninstall and run it. Otherwise follow the Instructions above.
Also have a look in the tip - Upgrade to new Version of Garys Cookbook 3.X.x.
3. Language-File Translation for Garys Cookbook 3.X.x , module and plug-in
More info on this Joomla-Link:
Download a Language-Installation-File (english or german are best choises) from the download area - languages and extract the files to a new directory. Rename this directory to xx-YY_com_garyscookbook_3ZZ. Where xx-YY is your language code and ZZ the Cookbook Versionnumber.
Of course you may use another language as a start if more understandable! Be carefull to keep the included files apart. They have the same name! Change the name of the files in the admin and the site directory with the new language code. (xx-XX.com_garyscookbook.ini). Have a look in the Joomla! language directory to find the language codes. Joomla-Language-Directories of your Server. Something like ..../joomla/administrator/language/xx-XX/ for the Administrator-Languages
and ..../joomla/language/xx-XX/ for the Frontpage-Languages.
Open those files with your Editor. !!! Info on Editors in the tip Short Guide to installation GCB 3.X.x!!!
Change the language informations and the date in the first line.
# $Id: de-DE.com_garyscookbook.ini 8580 2007-12-15 11:31:18Z Joomla! German" $
If you like, add a line after the note-line with the name of the translator.
(# Translation : Billy the Kidd)
Change the Texts to the right of = When done save the files.
!!!Be sure to save the files with characterset UTF-8!!!
3.1 Change the install.xml file.
Open this file with your editor.
Change the language informations. English and en-GB to your language. Change the creation date. You may also change the author data.
Save the file. !! again with characterset utf-8!! 3.2 Create the Language-Installation-Package Just pack the directory into a zipped file named like your directory. Or copy your changed files into the downloaded zip-file. Be sure to delete the old files. Rename this zip-file. Install your new language with the Joomla! installation procedure.
3.3 Upload your new translation.
Then please upload your new Language-Installation Files in the download area - languages of Click on the button upload file up to the right and follow the instructions. If there are new releases of the cookbook, the module or the plug-in please read the information on changes where you download the files. Then please change your translations and upload them like described above.
3.4 Module / Plug-in translations
The same procedure as for the component. The plug-in has two files to translate, the module only one placed as a site-file but also including the backend texts.
Many Thanks for your help!
The GCB Team
Language-File editing
If you want to change some entries in a Language-File. Login to the Administration-Pages with this Language choosen.
(i.e. you have to have activated the available Languages in both Administration- and Frontend. I hope this will be solved later.)
Open the Component in the Joomla-Administration (Backend), Components -> Gary's Cookbook. Choose to edit the Backend or the Frontend Language. Make your changes and save.
Joomla 1.5 is multilingual in the way that a lot of languages may be found but it only works properly with one language. Users may have a login language but a lot of information are show in the default language or as from the users entered.
Well, you may find one or more solutions throgh the Joomla! extensions. One wellknown extension to handle multilingual support is Joom!Fish. This is also supported from Gary's Cookbook with so called Xml-files. Files describing the translation. You will find those in the downloadarea.
Here just a couple of informations that we find useful.
- To keep a site multilingual is hard work in time. The translations are not written automaticly. You could use some helpprogramms. But you still can't replace the manual work! This is not depending on the used softwaresystem.
- How to make the translations and what to translate has to be well organized.
e.g. Can one language be defaultlanguage? Which fields has to be translated?
With Joom!fish you should have a look in all xml-translationfiles. Also those delivered with the Joom!Fish extension. So you are able to the reduce your work and get a better systemperformance. The datenbasetable #__jf_content will not grow that fast.
Example 1: In contents.xml are the translationparameters for the Articles stored. Do you need to translate the datefields and other attributes?
publish_up 2006-01-03 01:00:00
publish_down 0000-00-00 00:00:00
attribs show_title= .....
After changes you must test the funktionality.
My short inroduction to mathematics: Let's say we have 50 fields in the table to translate. (almost true for the cookbook 3.1) We want to translate 5 fields. This makes a difference of 185 000 entries if you have 1000 records (recipes) in the original databasetable.
Used entries-> 1000 records (recipes) * 50 fields * 4 languages = 200 000
Alternative with one language as default and only needed fields:
Alternative-> 1000 records (recipes) * 5 fields * 3 languages = 15 000
200 000 - 15 000 = 185 000