Bitte hier Probleme mit der Betaversion posten bitte immer mit Joomlaversion, PHP Version, und Version des Kochbuchs
Please let us know PHP Version Joomla Version and Version of Cookbook
Hi there
Thanks for a great component. I'm glad to see the updated version. Works super!
However, I am unable to make a menu item where users can add recipes from frontend, without creating a user. I understand that this should be possible in the Pro version?
How do I do this?
Brgds. Jacob
GCB 5.1.0 Pro / PHP 7.3
Sorry for my late response. I think the problem is the Wysiwig Editor without Login. I would not have recipes registered without registration. The cookbook becomes a spam target
I have created a new site ( to test it out. It's installed on a Joomla 3.9, PHP 7.3. It works, but I am unable to add a recipe from frontend, when I have created a new user.
It is the Pro component, but I get a "403
You are not authorised to view this resource.". Is it a problem with the Pro version, rights or...?