Hi rotte2,
We are here open for suggestions. Some comments.
I can see the challenge with regard to your data model - and I think it would be a great improvement to the Cookbook, if the quantities are controlled by the program (i.e teaspoon is actually the same in German, Spanish and Danish) - but it requires that your data model can handle this.
Well, it has somewhat to do with the data model - the tables needed for controlled input of quantity and ingredients are not there at this moment. But this is not the main issue. You say a teaspoon is always a teaspoon and I would say no if you don't mean the word but the quantity. The size of the teaspoons are defined different in different countries. If you know the old Meal-Master format this is exactly definded originally for the US. But this component should cover at least most of the world. i.e. if you want to calculate a teaspoon into ml (or why not even g Are you bying salt in l or kg? Do you use the same as ingredient quantity? No teaspoon?) you need a couple of maintainable tables not very easy to understand. They should also be multilingual. At first maintained in the language for the Joomla! installation if you do not decide having a fixed US, german, spanish or even danish view of this world. I guess you wouldn't need any ounces or barrels in your system. And it should be in your language or somehow translated. How? Joomla! languagefiles? Joom!fish?
There are more than this as I wrote about the eggs. :silly:
But that said, I don't think you have to be that ambitious regarding the shopping list. If you can choose recipes for Monday..Sunday, then just present the list (sorted alphabetically). Then I would have to add "1 egg, 3 eggs and 2 eggs" myself, when I am at the supermarket - but that's absolutely fine with me and a great improvement. At least for a version 0.1 of the shopping list feature
In the future the ingredients could be added, perhaps sorted in categories (f.ex. dairies are listed together so you don't have to run across through the supermarket 5 times )
This could be a good idea. To maintain a table to relate ingredients to a ingredient category. The ingredients could be controlled by this table. But the problem mentioned above is also here involved. Every installation had to maintain their own table. A lot of work! A general table for all the world wouldn't be possible I think. The list would be unlimited long and not usefull by the recipe entry. And also a translation had to be done.
So you see. It's not that easy even if you reduce the ambition.
So I think, what could be done as a first step would be to just print one recipe including only the ingredients calculated with a chosen number of portions. When printing a list for the week Mon to Sun I guess you need a portion number per meal. Well let's also skip the calculation. just print a list with the recipes choosen, with the number of portions and the ingredients according to the recipe data. So now we are almost down to a not very useful list aren't we.
You have to do most jobb yourself Or we do it the oldfashioned way. Write some notes (if on MS Win maybe with the Desktop notes) about menu of the week with the help of the Joomla! Cookbook and at the same time write down the needed ingredients in a shoppinglist. Mostly we know what we already have at home.
And you could leave your computer for a couple of minutes, have a cool and let your wife fix it all in seconds. :woohoo: