my remark about the amount of recipes imported was a hint that you have to edit every single recipe after the import. NOT about importing single recipes. I would try to export/import recipes that belong to a Categorie in Gary's Cookbook separatly. But this is up to you.
Let us first allow the developer to find the Bug. I didn't get any blank page but Errors.
I think Oppsrift is also norwegian. If you have a nice recipe for Kopenhagener/Wienerbröd/ or what it's called in other languages it would be nice with an original danish recipe. :kiss:
Now the version has bin released. I've tested the Meal Master import and it works for me. But be aware that you have to edit every single recipe. It is a help for creating recipes not to have to tip all texts. As it is completely different formats, it is not possible to generate exactly "correct" data. You also have to choose if you want to show the Ingredient List or the Infredients Editor Field in frontend. You have to test it.